Finally received help!
I have trendelenberg gait and both my GP and Neurologist gave me no hope of recovery. I was referred to a physical therapy firm and saw no improvement so I was without hope that I would ever walk straight again. After 3 years, I asked my GP to refer me to PT Professionals after a successful visit from my grandson for his broken wrist physical therapy. What a difference from the first physical therapy firm! PT professionals are just that, professional in every sense, from the first phone call to the first intake, to scheduling appts and of course the therapy itself. Justin J. took a holistic approach and gave me such hope that I could use the proper muscles again. I have recently completed the six week therapy and Justin has given me the tools, exercises and knowledge to continue my strength building and stretching. I can plainly see that in just 6 weeks I am stronger and able to take some walking steps in alignment. Justin did not offer a cure in 6 weeks, but he showed me completely how in perhaps a year of continuing the therapy on my own, from the knowledge he gave me, I will see great improvements in my walking. PT Professionals have been a godsend in giving me hope that I was not just downsliding in my health, but that I can improve, no matter what the GP or the neurologist says. I am 75 years old, used to do marathons and taught aerobics and just would not accept that I had to walk crumpled up for the rest of my life. My goal is to be able to walk my neighborhood again, with no pain, in good form, and Justin has assured me that he is there still to help with whatever he can do. Can't get better than that!